Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pin Sin

Don't these look DELICIOUS.
They are from Can You Stay For Dinner? and yes, if these are on the menu, I can stay for dinner! They are Baked Butternut Squash french fries. She even includes nutritional information (151 cal. per serving). There are very thorough instructions on how to make these so I thought I'd give them a try.

Here's how mine turned out:
Yeah, not quite the same. I'm not sure where I made a mistake, but I did. It's not her tutorials fault at all. Anyways one thing I do know was wrong was an instruction that said, "Salt to high heaven." When I read this I went and asked my husband to supervise because I ALWAYS over salt everything I touch. He didn't even get up, he just said, "that means a lot of salt." So I salted to high heaven and then back to salt he@#. Even though they looked like the above picture we still tasted them. You couldn't even taste the wimpy squishy squash behind all of the salt. Oh well, live and learn.

How about you try them and see if you can make them better than me.

happy pinning.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Time Wasting


A new obsession amongst me and some people I know. At first I was hesitant. I mean, seriously, do I NEED another time waster? I already have a handful (okay armful) of tv shows I watch, a basement full of half finished craft projects, and a brand new ipad with games on it. No I probably didn't NEED pinterest.

But I signed up.

And I LOVE it.

Guess what. It's not necessarily a time waster! I pin stuff every single day, but almost every day I do something from my pin board. A hairstyle, a recipe, a craft project, and activity with my kids, an exercise, the list is endless! I even saw a quote once that quite possibly changed my life.

So here it is. Proof that pinterest is not a major time waster. I will blog about my adventures in pin land. Reviews and what not.

To kick it off, I'll share the quote/thought that really got me thinking.

happy pinning.