Friday, February 17, 2012

Time Wasting


A new obsession amongst me and some people I know. At first I was hesitant. I mean, seriously, do I NEED another time waster? I already have a handful (okay armful) of tv shows I watch, a basement full of half finished craft projects, and a brand new ipad with games on it. No I probably didn't NEED pinterest.

But I signed up.

And I LOVE it.

Guess what. It's not necessarily a time waster! I pin stuff every single day, but almost every day I do something from my pin board. A hairstyle, a recipe, a craft project, and activity with my kids, an exercise, the list is endless! I even saw a quote once that quite possibly changed my life.

So here it is. Proof that pinterest is not a major time waster. I will blog about my adventures in pin land. Reviews and what not.

To kick it off, I'll share the quote/thought that really got me thinking.

happy pinning.

1 comment:

  1. cute! I do still wonder if it is another way to waste my time so I don't do too much there...and this is Eevi, not Troy:) I will keep checking how your pinterest adventures turn out.
