One of my best adjectives to describe my children is "busy." They aren't naughty or mischievous, they just like to be doing stuff. I'm totally in love with is 99.99% of the time. That other .01% is
1. On airplanes
2. At church
Our church is unbelievably accepting of small children and we are SO incredibly lucky to go to a congregation that is very patient, so I don't ever feel like we don't belong. That being said, lately I feel like I need to beef up my "church activities."
I have a pin for LDS lacing cards from a blog called We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ. Basically they are images with holes around them and children use shoe laces/ribbons/yarn/etc. to thread through the holes. This is a little too much for Lyla (who is 1), but I thought would be a nice one for Emily (4). I got all of my clip art from Melonheadz LDS Illustrating.
We have only used these for 1 Sunday, but they kept her occupied the whole time. She did a few different activities with them. First she used all of the yarns and went through whatever hole she wanted mkaing a "web" and also would use multiple colors. I'm not really sure what else because I was actually paying attention to the speakers! It was awesome.
(Justin was in the hall with Lyla spying on the secret service men that were there with Mitt Romney. We'll think of something for her next week.)
Totally awesome activity that I put together in the morning before church and was very effective. Every week it will probably get boring, but rotated with other stuff it will remain a hit.
Oh, one last thing the laces came from Oriental Trading. They work great.
Happy Pinning.
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